LONDON: Advertisers are not seeing the full response benefit of their TV ads unless they are using online channels to ensure viewers are given the opportunity to respond in a seamless way, an industry figure maintains.

Writing in the current issue of Admap, Matt Whelan, digital strategy director at media agency The Specialist Works, argues that focusing on statistics about multiscreening time and video consumption patterns miss the point.

He points out that 60% of TV's response impact comes through digital media channels – principally search, social and affiliate - and that TV needs to align with online media to fully harness its effectiveness.

The first step is the basic one of matching messages between TV and digital so that online ad copy matches the TV creative, which creates a clear connection and reinforces the same message the TV creative has worked to establish.

“Recall and response can be further boosted by backing this approach with data and technology to align targeting and timing of delivery,” Whelan advises.

Just aligning the planning as a nod to 'integration' is not enough, he adds. “We have, however, seen an uplift in performance when you utilise time syncing around TV ads, alongside a well-segmented audience selection.”

So, for example, a brand running different TV ad variations should consider how its social campaigns reflect the version that's just been shown to the target audience.

Since people tend to turn to their social feeds during ad breaks, scrolling past the ad for the product they've just seen on TV provides the 'opportunity to respond' they need - “which is why you should see an uplift in social click-through rate around ad delivery”.

Nor do brands need to stick to aligning search and social activity with their own campaigns. Whelan observes that TV listening technologies can pick up competitors’ ads as well as their own. “If you can get hold of a copy of another brand's ad, they will work for that too”, which is easily done as “most brands really like putting their TV ads onto YouTube”.

Sourced from WARC