The concepts of mental and physical availability are easily grasped but a lack of detailed marketing knowledge in the C-suite, and a lack of nuance in language, means that a third “availability” should be added to improve understanding.

What is it and why is it needed? 

  • James Hankins, Founder and Consulting Strategist at Vizer Consulting, proposes that “digital availability” can help get beyond the potential “framing problem” of physical availability which non-specialists may regard as being in-store and not including online.

  • It is, he says, “about driving penetration growth of the availability concept: better thinking and better marketing helps everyone”.

  • Further, since many digital-availability channels and routes to market are more akin to merchandising models than advertising models, budget and structural implications become clear.


Just like physical availability, a true cost-benefit analysis still needs to be done for digital-availability channels to make financial sense.

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Sourced from WARC