Complan: When Amitabh Bachchan briefly became "The Complan Boy"

Complan, a milk food brand, partnered with Amitabh Bachnan who became the 'Complan Boy' on an Indian game show, to create relevance and connect with mothers by driving the belief that it is the best dual nutrition supplement for their growing child.

The communication goal

The iconic 1990s milk food drink (MFD) brand Complan, lost its prominent position in the consumers' mind today. To regain its lost faith, Complan crafted a revival strategy with its new communication that offered not just physical but also mental growth among young children with its new tagline " 'two times faster growth for growing kids".

As a challenger brand, it was imperative to create relevance for the Complan in the minds of the consumer for its new communication.

Hence, the main aim was to connect with mothers by successfully driving this belief that Complan is now...

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