Permian Strategic Partnership: Vaccines for anti-vax land

Permian Strategic Partnership, a non-profit collective supporting communities, launched Attack the Virus, not the Vaccinated to get the vaccine-curious of the Permian Basin of Texas and New Mexico to confidently seek out the COVID-19 vaccine by redirecting anti-vaxxers’ animosity away from their neighbours and towards COVID-19.


One that embraced the vaccine, and one of "Anti-Vaxxers" that rejected it. The latter tended to live in close-knit rural, conservative areas and refute mainstream sources of information.

In one sparsely-populated, desert area, the Permian Basin region of west Texas and New Mexico, the COVID-19 death rate was higher than the national average—in some counties double the national average.

Vaccine hesitancy in this highly rural and ultra-conservative region was fanned by media narratives from decidedly anti-vaccine Fox News, where 54% of the population got most of their information.

The Permian Strategic Partnership, a non-profit collective supporting communities across the...

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